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You Are Golden ~ Autumnal Equinox Retreat Day

Saturday 23rd Sept, 2023, 10 - 4pm

Codes of True Abundance. September is the time of year when we honour  the sacred balance of Autumnal Equinox and prepare for the lessening of light codes. Having absorbed the golden light of  sunshine which is now stored in both plants and our bodies we carry a sacred torch into what lays ahead with a retreat day which promises balance in what we give & receive, nature & nurture.

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There always comes a point were we can’t go back, a knowing that things will never be the same: a death, a birth, an ending, loss, growth, a new discovery. No matter how hard we try, things are different now, you’re different, the world’s different, what’s been seen can not be unseen. Something is calling you forward. Equinoxes mirror this realisation back to us. Plants, flowers, leaves, trees drop their petals, fruit, seeds or leaves. The rosehip knows, the phoenix does too…we must surrender to the earth what was. Day & night are equal again, with a change in season we have opportunity to surrender, integrate & reset. There is a stronger sense of release now… potency of the seeds & intentions that you plant during Spring Equinox have now come into full fruition, the booming, the fruit, the release will one day transform anew.

What are you grateful for from the warmer season? Which habits are impeding you? what are you clinging onto out of fear of nothing coming to take its place? As with nature, acknowledge how far you’ve come, how much you’ve grown, you decide what happens next…

September is the time to remember your radiance. On a physical level we can clean-up our emotional & energetic hygiene. Only you know & you know you know what requires your attention for release. Our retreat day is here to re-remember our lightness & the importance of self-care for your physical, emotional, energetic, body.

Physically, emotionally, intuitively you are not where you were six months ago at Spring Equinox.

Nature again, is teaching us to come home to ourselves. Enjoy simple things, listen to the whispers of the heart, leaves are falling, streams are flowing, the only constant is change, through this retreat time we become adaptable to change, welcome it & know change is part of our journey & growth. We will warm the heart, strengthen our body vessel & nurture our spirit through yoga in its many forms.

Peak summer is a time when energy, life-force & growth is optimal. Recognising this energy in nature helps us gain deeper understanding of our own energy levels both when balanced & unbalanced. Autumn equinox ushers balance, our yoga practice will encourage a feeling of  groundedness, as well as uplifted, connected & clear.

There will be nature based meditations, clearing breathwork, mantra & mudra to channel positive lifeforce, myth to ignite imagination, Tantric philosophy, mindful walks, plant alley meditations and practices which enhance inner radiance.

Each of you will receive a gift of: You Are Golden Healing Butter (for body & feet) during the self-massage session, all yours to take home with you after.

Wendy will make autumnal offerings from our seasonal shop  – a You Are Golden sunshine in a bottle balancing & gently awakening essential oil blend using therapeutic grade DoTerra Essential Oils, infused with gemstones and autumnal blooms to balance energy and meaning through intentional vibration.

Our time together will complete with a deeply mediative & ancient sound healing journey using Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, Crystal Pyramids, Tuning Forks, Chime Bells and Tibetan Singing Bowls.

A Little bit About Sound:

You do not just hear sound with your ears, you feel it through every pour of your body. Sound vibrations relax both your nervous system and your brain waves, allowing your body to drop into a deeper healing state which supports your mental, physical, emotional & spiritual wellbeing. These healing vibrations improve your ability to be creative, meditate, contemplate, investigate, trust your intuition and rest deeper than usual.

Investment: £85 (lunch included)

What You Receive:

  • Morning awakening & balancing yoga practice
  • Autumnal nutritious lunch
  • Mythical stories
  • Nature Walk
  • Nature Meditations
  • Understanding of Mantra & Mudra Practice
  • You Are Golden Homemade Foot & Body Butter to ground vata
  • Abhyanga – Ayurvedic self-guided massage to move lymph
  • Restorative Yoga Practice
  • Sound Healing Session
  • Seasonal Insight & Upload
  • New Healthy Food Inspiration
  • Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
  • Teas Throughout the Day

Helpful Tips

  • Bring a full water bottle
  • Wear breathable, moveable clothing (including jumper and socks for relaxations)
  • Any props you would like to use (studio has plenty if not bringing your own)
  • Phones on airplane mode
  • Journal & pen

Summer Garden Retreat Afternoon