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Hi, I’m Wendy Loughlan

Mother, wife, passionate yogini body artist, yoga teacher, priestess, lover of life with nature as my guide - my life purpose is to help you kindle your magic, awaken to your gifts, become lighter, stronger and more flexible of your mind, body and life.

Sharing mythical and philosophical yoga stories to awaken consciousness

Chanting mantra to pierce through the thinking mind

Teaching with intelligent biomechanics to bring your body into healthy alignment

Using powerful pranayama to enrich your organs, body and mind

Movement meditations

Working with Alchemy Crystal Healing Singing Bowls

Enhancing the senses using doTerra essential Oils

Deep wisdom teachings

High vibrational workshops

Transformational Yoga retreats to sacred land sites

Inner and collective Alchemy

Truth no matter what

Insight into my path of healing

What Led Me Towards Yoga?

Going through a relationship break-up and continuing education.(18 years ago) my daughter was four years old, I was a single mum with ambition and vision and back in adult education. I’d had a dyslexia assessment and the lady recommended yoga might be a great practice to help with my concentration and better manage stress. I was already extremely active in the gym, fitness classes, running and personal training but I continued to injure myself and couldn’t switch-off. I was unable to rest properly due to the stress of breaking-up, university, family circumstances and life. Yoga was the only thing that finally got me living in my body as opposed to my mind and resting fully. Yoga quite literally changed the chemistry of my thinking mind, healed my body and (not that I knew it at the time) fully transformed how I saw the world and people in it. One day whilst walking, I remember thinking “if yoga doesn’t save my life, nothing will” And it did! I am actually now confidently the person I always was underneath all of the social conditioning and fear of showing the world who I really was.

My creativity and natural gifts for helping others had always shone through in my previous careers: a hair dresser and a school teacher ((BSc Hons) Environmental Science & Sports Science & PGCE). I knew I was destined to teach others and although the forms of teaching changed along the way the underlying skills were always engrained within my psyche. My whole life I have known I am a gifted healer.

I stepped deeply into teachings and trainings : Yoga Teacher Trainings, Therapeutic Teacher Trainings, Teaching Children Yoga, Priestess Path Mystery School and Earth Wisdom Teacher Trainings, Advanced pranayama trainings, Several 300 hour advanced teacher trainings, Reiki and Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl Trainings. I have always been and probably always will be an eternal student of life.

Nine years ago, I realised the way I offer my service into the world was not in alignment with my Soul’s longing. It was then I chose to train as a yoga teacher with world renowned yoga teachers, priestesses, therapists, psychologists, Reiki teachers, sound alchemists and leading body artists – I have never looked back. I knew the healing arts is the way i’m meant to offer my gifts into the world.

I’d been in training and was walking the path my whole life, nine years ago I finally surrendered to my calling.

I offer my teachings to you, they are an alchemical gift of: science, mysticism, art, yoga, philosophy and earth wisdom practices which I now term Embodied Consciousness Yoga.