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Breathe into Beltane - A Pranayama Playshop

Saturday 23rd April 2-5pm

With the Celtic festival of Beltane just around the corner, Alchemise will be celebrating with a very special breathwork workshop.


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Restorative yoga offers your body and mind the chance to really slow down, rest deeply and replenish yourself. 

Rona will open this workshop with a gentle yoga movement practice, designed to release tension throughout the body, with a special focus on neck and shoulders, an area we typically tend to tighten as we brace ourselves against the colder weather. Having unwound tension in the physical body, we then move on to restorative yoga poses, using props to support the unfurling of your body, enabling the poses to be held for longer and with the effect of calming your nervous system. To finish, you will be guided through a wonderfully relaxing Yoga Nidra to leave you resourced not only to ‘survive’ but to ‘thrive’ through the winter, feeling fully rested and restored.

Who is it for?
Rona extends a warm welcome to everybody – experienced practitioners and beginners alike. Please let her know in advance if you have any special requirements.

What do I need to bring?
We are well-equipped with beautiful props – mats, blankets, bolsters and eye-pillows. Just bring yourself, warm comfortable clothes and socks, and if preferred your own favourite warm blanket.

A workshop for everybody helping you to completely rest and be ready for the week ahead, candle light divine ambiance.

These practices are simple, well guided, accessible for all ages, shapes, sizes and states of health. Re-learn how a few minutes a day of active, supported and mindful rest will improve so many areas of your health, life and creativity.

Scientific evidence carried out by (R Cole)  backs that Inverted poses dramatically alter hormone levels which in turn reduces brain arousal, blood pressure and fluid retention. This is particularly attributed to a slowing of heart rate and dilation of blood vessels in the upper body that comes from reversing the effect of gravity.

Restorative yoga both stimulates and soothes internal organs. During forward folds the abdomen is compressed then during backbends it is re-expanded. This action forces stale blood out and new oxygenated flow back in thus stimulating the function of your organs. This enhanced exchange of oxygen flow also helps to push waste products across cell membrane for release.

Benefits of Restorative Yoga

  • Rebalance your body and mind
  • Create feelings of wellbeing
  • Counteract the effects of chronic stress
  • Recover from injury or illness
  • Enhance the function of internal organs
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Elevate and stabilise mood
  • Teach you how to rest
  • Improve selflove
  • Stimulates organ function
  • Improves heart function
  • Empowers you and your health

Helpful Tips

  • Your body becomes cooler during restorative yoga
  • Bring socks and a long-sleeved top
  • Expect to hold poses for a longer amount of time
  • A wish to be well is part of becoming well
  • Restorative yoga has 100% positive side-effects

Book Restorative Yoga Evening below: