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I’m Kelly and (just like you are) I’m many things to many people. I’m a mum to two girls, a yoga and mindfulness teacher, a public speaker, daughter, sister, (pretty) awesome friend, cold water swimmer and occasional runner!  When it to comes to taking care of myself, I’m a work in progress, but I’m committed to prioritising it

every. single. day.

When we’re shoved, pushed or booted off balance, life gets tough. Yoga has always been the support I needed to continue to get up, create space and peace in my everyday life and generally be a kind and loving person and was something that became consistent in my wobbly world.

Travelling adventure took up most of my twenties with figuring out early mum life consuming my early 30’s.  Yoga teacher training arriving fell at a time when I was a primary school teacher desperately seeking self-study and a way to bring all I had learnt about yoga to as many people as possible to lift lives. Learning to be a yoga teacher shifted the way I was living my everyday, developed self-awareness and ignited a passion for everyday self-care. I may not get into the deepest of backbends or balance on my hands everyday but all I understand about the body and mind is translated into my teaching to be able to access poses and feel good.
Teaching everything from strong vinyasa flow’s, deeply nourishing Yin and restful restorative and nidra (online and in person​) fuels my desire to always learn, grow and develop to bring creativity and knowledge and empowerment to all I do. 

I can’t wait to join you on your yoga journey.